Muddy Mia | Princeton WV Children’s Photographer

Mia is one of my absolute favorite kids to photograph. I’ve been taking her picture since she was 2 years old and every session I leave with a smile on my face. Mia is one of the happiest kids I have ever met. Her joy for life is infectious and you can’t be around her without smiling. When Mia’s mom booked a mud mini for her I knew it would be a blast!! Mia came in her cute little tutu and purple Hunter rainboots! Within 5 minutes the boots were off and she was diving into the mud pit. She kept saying “This is the best day ever!!!”

I bet you can’t read this blog and not get a smile on your face! Thanks Mia for making us laugh!!! And a huge thanks to 304 Speedway for letting us use the best mud pit EVER!

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