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It’s my favorite blog of the year… My recap blog!!! 2019 was such an amazing year. I got to see so many familiar faces and met a ton of new ones. I have had an influx of seniors this year and am loving them all! I photographed over 300 kids this year you guys!! I […]

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For those of you not in southern WV, we are in a serious drought. It has rained maybe 3 days in the past 2-3 months. Did you guys like that little play on words? 😉 So punny. Anyway, back to the subject!! Erica and Jason (and there sweet bunch of kiddos) are some of my favorite […]

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What a wild ride 2018 was! I had the pleasure of photographing new faces and so many familiar faces. I always say, there’s no better compliment you can give me as a photographer than to come back to me time after time for more photos! I absolutely love watching your families grow and your little […]

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Um, how have I not blogged this session yet?! This sweet couple welcomed their gorgeous baby girl a few days ago and I realized I hadn’t shared their blog. I try to blog every session but sometimes, they fall through the cracks because my head is a mess, lol! Back on track, Kelsey contacted me […]

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My best friend, Kelly of Kelly Broyles Photography, and I avoid talking on the phone like the plague. Back in the fall I got a text from her that said, “Need to talk to you ASAP. CALL ME.” So I’m like uh all my kids are in the bathtub and it’s not even bedtime, can […]

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There’s nothing better than finding a new spot in an old location that has the most gorgeous light! I was so excited for this session and to try something new and couldn’t be happier with the results! I graduated with Renee and Aaron and was so excited when they asked me to photograph their maternity […]